Christmas Countdown


blog-festivus-2Today is December 23rd, 2014 and there are only 2 days until Christmas.

Today is Festivus, so drag out your pole and engage in your feats of strength and prepare to air your grievances.

Seriously, what is Festivus? It is an alternative to the seasonal celebrations of tradition no matter the time of year, a “festivus for the rest of us”. Made famous mostly through a 1990’s era episode of Seinfeld the made-up day of Festivus has morphed into a genuine day of celebration, protest and commentary.

Some use it at Christmastime as a matter of protest against the traditional commercialization of the Christmas season and by others who lay claim to the non-sacred observance of Christmas. Festivus has been unofficially embraced by atheists who want to claim a part of the season without bowing to Christian elements of it.

Today is also Roots Day, a time of the celebration of Family History by returning to your roots. The art of family history research has become the #1 hobby in the world since the advent of the Internet and this day, built around the holiday season, is set aside to honor your heritage. What an awesome day!

For our ever-present Christmas fanatics we remind you that today is also Universal Tracking Santa Day of Christmas. It is Christmas Eve already is some parts of the world and Santa is out there in the skies already on his way. Track Santa here and here — commercial free.

Father of 7, Grandfather of 7, husband of 1. Freelance writer, Major League baseball geek, aspiring Family Historian.

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