Another Thanksgiving Joke

Jeff Westover

Chief Elf Officer
MMC Founder
Santa's Elf
Kringle Radio DJ
Oct 7, 2004
Cache Valley, Utah
A man goes into a pet shop and finds a fantastic bargain for a beautiful parrott -- the sign says "Just $1 and you can take him home".

The man asks the sales lady what the problem is with the bird and she tells him that all the parrott knows is dirty jokes and foul language.

"We've tried to teach him a new vocabulary," she explained, "But all he keeps saying is "#$%&^ off!"

"Well," the man says, "I can fix that." So he pays the dollar and takes the bird home, thinking this will be a big hit at his family's Thanksgiving celebration.

He gives the parrott a great spot in the living room and a luxurious cage and he tells the bird, "Now behave -- we have kids coming over for Thanksgiving."

The bird looks up at him and says, "#$%&^ off!".

"Ok," the man says, "one more outburst from you and I'm going to teach you a lesson. That's it, no more chances."

The bird looks up at him and says, "#$%&^ off!".

"I warned you," the man said. And with that he took the parrott and stuck him in the freezer for 15 minutes.

After the time is up, the man opens up the freezer and see's the shivering parrott.

"Well," he said. "have you learned your lesson?"

"Yes, sir!," the parrott immediately replied. "You'll have no further trouble out of me. Kids? I love kids. Bring on the Barney videos! Have you got any Bible stories I can read them? Yes, sir. You and me -- we are one!"

The man smiled down at the parrott and said. "Much better."

"So," the parrot said as the man put him back in his cage, "what did the turkey do?"

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