Christmas Opinion

Who Lights Just a House?

The Great Christmas Light Video parade is started! And who says you have to light just a house? How about a whole neighborhood?

On Jeff Maxey’s street every single house decided to participate in a massive Christmas lights show.

Getting one house to turn its lights on and off in unison to music is hard enough, but these neighbors managed to synchronize all of their homes.

Jeff planned on only lighting up his own home, but soon realized that he wanted more, so he got permission from his neighbors to let him set up this amazing Christmas light show. To show off the magnificent display he record it with his drone.

You can love or hate drones, but it’s hard not to watch this entire neighborhood participate in the most massive synchronized Christmas lights display we have ever seen.

In this video shot by drone you get a view of an entire neighborhood synchronized:

Father of 7, Grandfather of 7, husband of 1. Freelance writer, Major League baseball geek, aspiring Family Historian.

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