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What Thanksgiving Has to Do with Christmas

There are complaints aplenty out there about how Christmas has stolen time and appreciation from Thanksgiving. Those who cry foul by claiming “Christmas creep” miss the larger lessons of history — and they fail to really see the absurdity of their complaints when compared to the worldwide stage. (See this epic rant and compare it to THIS epic rant).

After all, in the UK their annual early-November tradition of Christmas is to showcase and celebrate the Christmas advertisements launched by English department stores. The ads are anticipated as greatly there as Santa Claus is at the end of the Thanksgiving Day parade in New York.

But Christmas commercials in the USA are getting hammered for their mere presence and are labeled as “Christmas creep”.

What is the connection between Thanksgiving and Christmas?

Understanding the history of Thanksgiving gives context and clarity to the celebration of Christmas.

We get into it in the first of a series of new videos appearing on YouTube:

Father of 7, Grandfather of 7, husband of 1. Freelance writer, Major League baseball geek, aspiring Family Historian.
I'm offering the following off-beat comment to the connection of Thanksgiving with Christmas and a hook-in with Christmas Decorations: elsewhere in the forums is a photo of a happy couple about to split the wishbone. Suggestion: Don't. Instead, clean the wishbone, let it dry out and then gild it with a gold paint (or whatever bright color you choose) and hang it on the tree.

If you want to risk your reputation you can even scavenge among friends and neighbors for their turkey wishbones (just a thought!)

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