Christmas app! Advent calendar and interactive story

Evelin from Ploonymoon

Merry Forums Newbie
MMC Member
Oct 16, 2016
Hi everyone!

I was currently on the search for other Christmas crazy people when I found you :).
Together with some friends I'm working on a Christmas app called "Trouble in Christmas Town" that will be available this year. It's an Advent calender and interactive book with an adventurous Christmas story and handcrafted illustrations (like the ones below).

We are currently trying to get a narrator to record the story as an audiobook for us so we can add it to the app. An audio version would be very important for smaller kids who can't read yet (or anyone who prefers listening over reading :)).
Alas ... a professional narrator is pretty costly (and we need it in two languages). And although we found an awesome one, we can't afford his services at this time because we don't have any financial ressources left. Now we are trying to raise some last minute funds on Kickstarter. A plattform, where you can support projects that you like.

We thought, as you are all Christmas loving people, maybe some of you might want to support this endeavour. We'd be very thankfull!!
Even if you can't support us with a donation, it would be awesome if you share it on Facebook or other social media!
The donations are only collected if we reach our goal, so if we don't succeed, you didn't loose anything ;).

Support us on Kickstarter:
Here's the link to the campaign. There is a video and a lot more descriptions on the site :)
Trouble in Christmas Town on Kickstarter

You can see more development pictures on our Instagram too:
Our Instagram

The narrator did a sample recording for us, you can listen to it here:
Demo on Soundcloud

Here are some pictures of how it will look like:

Thank you so much!
Eve from Ploonymoon Studios

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