Thanksgiving 2019 Thread


Santa's Mentor
MMC Premiere
Oct 7, 2011
Countdown to Thanksgiving 2019: 243 DAYS

Happy Last Weekend of March! We're rolling right through the last weekend of the 3rd month of the year. And we're heading straight towards April. Our Countdown today is at 243 days! I was thinking yesterday how April will actually be the most important month for us here. Why? Because it will be the LAST month that will take us towards the Halfway Marker to November (which will be May) at which time we'll roll towards the 200 day marker, and the Halfway to Thanksgiving Day Marker! And from there we'll be in the summer dreaming of turkeys all summer long. Well that's looking ahead. Let's not look ahead just like on Thanksgiving when we're at the table eating just focus on the plate. Yum the plate! The food and the football on t.v. Oh in April we will have a special day when the NFL schedules release. The FIRST thing I do every year is look at the Thanksgiving Day Schedule. It's just magical to see it listed. I will give it to you when it comes out in April right here in this thread. Have a great Saturday and Last Weekend of March!​


Santa's Mentor
MMC Premiere
Oct 7, 2011
Countdown to Thanksgiving 2019: 242 DAYS

Good Last Day of March! And the Last Day of the 1st Quarter of 2019! We have indeed made a lot of progress in our Countdown to Thanksgiving as one can see. Look at it this morning. We are at 242 days till that most amazing day of the year known as Thanksgiving. It is special beyond belief. And as we close March we think about the fact that we will be entering (get ready for this) our 5TH month since November (the month of Thanksgiving) TOMORROW! That is absolutely INCREDIBLE! As I told you April will be the biggest key in the countdown as we mainly focus on the 28th as the milestone day for April. But May will have SEVERAL milestones so when we reach the end of April things will start getting SERIOUS around here starting off with May 1 when we reach the HALFWAY POINT TO NOVEMBER! SCARY folks. Let's enjoy the LAST DAY OF MARCH though first. And have a turkey wish in your head with some cranberry sauce. Have a great Last Day of March!​
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Santa's Mentor
MMC Premiere
Oct 7, 2011
Countdown to Thanksgiving 2019: 241 DAYS

Happy April 1st! April has arrived and that is no April Fools joke folks! The biggest month to count down through is here. Well today our Countdown is at 241 days to start April. And you can see as we go through April how the count will start to lower closer to that amazing 200 marker. The Halfway to November Marker is 1 month from today. But of course, we still have an April Milestone on the 28th of the month as we'll reach our 5th one! Oh boy! What a big time month April is here. The anticipation will build for certain as we go through this month and head towards the month of May. But no rush in getting there. Settle in for a long 30 day April ride with a CW type turkey style Thanksgiving Dinner. That made my mouth water yesterday! Ironically I had some potatoes and biscuits this weekend so it tasted a little like T-Giving for me too. Have a great 1st day of April one and all Turkey Fans!​
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Santa's Mentor
MMC Premiere
Oct 7, 2011
Countdown to Thanksgiving 2019: 240 DAYS

Good 2nd of April! Well I hope nobody here got fooled yesterday on April Fools Day! And I hope everyone here in this great thread is excited to see our Countdown has dropped to 240 days till Thanksgiving. That sounds amazing doesn't it? We knocked off another 10 days. And that ain't no April Fools joke. It would have been a bad joke if someone told you yesterday was Thanksgiving and you were not prepared for it. That would be a nightmare! But thankfully we still have a whole lot of days to get ready for it. Gotta get the stuffing and gravy, biscuits, potatoes etc. They need to be ready before it gets here. Thankfully with this count you'll be able to keep an eye on how close we're getting all spring and summer long. For now, I hope you Thanksgiving Fans all have a good day today. And keep a great and positive turkey thought in your head!​
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Santa's Mentor
MMC Premiere
Oct 7, 2011
Countdown to Thanksgiving 2019: 239 DAYS

Good Mid Week April Style! We're into the 3rd day of the month already. We start to roll forward through April. And we do that by looking at our Countdown to Thanksgiving this morning as we do every morning. It shows 239 days till Thanksgiving. That is a nice number. We're into the 230s now. And as I stated this month of April may be the biggest key in the countdown for us. After this month we hit Halfway to November territory & Halfway to Thanksgiving territory before we head into the down slide and the 2nd half of the count! Just doesn't seem possible but that's the truth. For now though we focus on the 28th of the month in 25 days to celebrate our 5th 28th. That's a big positive and milestone for this month of April. As always I hope you enjoy your day today and that you keep a nice Thanksgiving thought in your head. Maybe think of your favorite moment from Thanksgiving last year like when you took the turkey out of the oven or sat down to eat dinner with the family. Keep thinking those Thanksgiving Thoughts and have a great Day!​
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Santa's Mentor
MMC Premiere
Oct 7, 2011
Countdown to Thanksgiving 2019: 238 DAYS

Happy April Awesomeness! Everyone enjoying April as much as I am so far? I sure hope so because this is the LAST month we can say that we are LESS THAN Halfway to Thanksgiving. And folks that's a little scary after this count has just taken off. Today we see the Countdown at 238 days and acknowledge it. But we also have our Weekly Thursday Countdown which is now at 34 Weeks. And concerning that Weekly Countdown I just realized this morning NEXT Thursday we have our own little milestone. What is it? Well we'll be down to 33 weeks till we stuff our faces with stuffing. But why is 33 a milestone? Think about it. The Countdown began at 53 weeks. That means we will have gone through 20 (yes I said TWENTY) weeks through the count. And that is definitely note-worthy. I'll have some interesting thoughts for you then. For now I hope you all dream a good dream of cranberry sauce at the Thanksgiving Table with the NFL games on t.v. Have a great day and keep enjoying the April Awesomeness!​


Santa's Mentor
MMC Premiere
Oct 7, 2011
Countdown to Thanksgiving 2019: 237 DAYS

Good 1st TGIF of April! We're now heading towards the 1st weekend of April! Awesome. Just awesome. The weather isn't really awesome here today though but that's ok. It wasn't awesome on Thanksgiving either and nobody cared. They wanted to enjoy the PARADE and the FEAST! Yes indeed. And on Thursday we'll enjoy saying we knocked off 20 weeks in the Count! That's insane. Today our Countdown is at a nice looking 237 days. Look at us just over a month away from that 200 day marker. There's so many big milestones that we're getting closer to day by day. Just like we get closer and closer to our plates on Thanksgiving Day as everything is cooking and you're all just taking in the smells and the special feeling that Thanksgiving gives to us all. I hope you all enjoy your Friday though first. Enjoy this first TGIF of April Turkey Lovers!​
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Santa's Mentor
MMC Premiere
Oct 7, 2011
Countdown to Thanksgiving 2019: 236 DAYS

Happy 1st Weekend of April! We are moving into the first weekend now of the 4th month of the year. It's a great feeling to be in to spring time and April. What is also a great feeling is our Thanksgiving Countdown which is now down to 236 days. We are rolling ahead! Remember on Thursday we'll be able to say we went through 20 weeks in this count! I'll have a really important look on that day for you all to show you exactly how far along we've come and where we are heading at this speed. It will WOW you so be prepared. But for now just prepare for a good Saturday. That's what I always hope for. Oh and I saw a turkey crossing the road the other day. No it's not a Thanksgiving joke. I just started thinking of warm Thanksgiving thoughts though including how special that feeling is on Thanksgiving Morning when the oven is on and all the sides are being prepared to cook. Love that feeling so, so, so much. Have a great 1st Weekend of April!​
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Santa's Mentor
MMC Premiere
Oct 7, 2011
Countdown to Thanksgiving 2019: 235 DAYS

Happy Wrestlemania Sunday! Today is the Superbowl of Wrestling if you are a fan of it. And the Superbowl itself was in early February. Now we're in early April. Look how we went through 2 months seemingly so fast. And look how fast we are rolling through our Countdown to Thanksgiving which is now at 235 days. On Thursday we'll celebrate here having gone through 20 weeks in the Count. That is INCREDIBLE. And I will have some very exciting news and statistics for you then. They will WOW you trust me. And then we'll look forward to the 28th of the month which will be our 5 down 7 to go. The funny thing is this is a SLOW month in terms of milestones and yet you're seeing how significant this month is as I mentioned when it started. Well for now as CW said dream of that stuffing and gravy our friend had. What a lucky guy! And don't be sad CW and others if you finish it this time of year because it's not the Thanksgiving one that is gone yet. We still have that to look AHEAD to. Have a great Wrestlemania Sunday!​

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