Yippe Ki Yay and Merry Christmas. Die Hard is back. It is a Christmas movie. I knew it! Mommy told me if things don’t turn out just the way you want them to the first time, you’ve still got to believe. (Ok, that’s from a different movie but it still applies here.)

What has so inspired me? This brilliant Christmas song from Jonnie Common, which was released in 2016. I don’t know how I missed it. It’s brilliant. And it has restored my faith in Christmas humanity. Listen and watch:

Merry Christmas Recipes

Two years ago on I declared Bruce Willis and his movie Die Hard dead to me.

It was the summer of 2018 — a different world back then — and Mr. Willis for whatever reason declared that Die Hard is not a Christmas movie.

I knew that wasn’t true because it was Bruce Willis who first told me it was a Christmas movie back before he made it. He told me personally, face-to-face.

Besides, it’s obvious: this movie has Christmas music, Christmas trees, Christmas decorations, Christmas presents, Christmas foods, and Christmas sound effects. The whole thing is set at a Christmas party. The soundtrack has Christmas classics in it like “Let It Snow“, among others. It uses the phrase “ho, ho, ho” and it’s not about a trashy woman.

So, when Bruce Willis made this declaration in 2018 I had to call him on it. You hear me coming off on Bruce on the Merry Little Podcast in the player below:

Now, we’ve been down this road before. It was four years ago that we publish this argument for classifying Die Hard as a Christmas movie.

But clearly something has to be done. I am certain that my anti-Bruce declaration killed Die Hard viewing for the last couple of years. I’m pretty confident I’ve got that kind of influence.

So, with a generous heart that can only come from Christmas, I reverse my ban. I am declaring, right now in the stupor of our pandemic-craze lifestyle, that Die Hard is essential Christmas viewing once again.

In fact, we deseperately need this. Hallmark, as you know, is taking over Christmas in July with their mass-produced brand of vanilla Christmas movies that all have the same plot, music and actors. We need Bruce back. And we need it right now.

So we are declaring a watch party during the entire Christmas-in-July celebrations here on MyMerryChristmas. Die Hard is not only a Christmas movie it is THE Christmas movie that’s perfect for July.

Merry Christmas Radio
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4 years ago

Always gave my sister z hard time cause she always said this is a Christmas movie