Christmas Countdown - 2017

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MMC Christmas Angel 1971-2020 Alum
MMC Emeritus Member
Oct 17, 2005
Good Wednesday morning! Well yesterday's "big storm" turned into a morning of freezing rain, followed by a couple of hours of big fluffy snow and then nothing. It will remain mild for a few days and then Winter temperatures are coming back. I'm working the afternoon/evening shift again, giving more training again. Not as much fun when one has a cold. Looking forward to a long weekend starting Friday. Have a great day everyone!
Oh yuck to the freezing rain!!! I hope your cold is getting better!!
I'm ready for Friday also - I keep thinking today is Thursday! Hate that! ;)
Have a merry Rudolph day!!


MMC Christmas Angel 1971-2020 Alum
MMC Emeritus Member
Oct 17, 2005


MMC Christmas Angel 1971-2020 Alum
MMC Emeritus Member
Oct 17, 2005
Happy Rudolph Day!! Last night, we got some sad news from our friends. His father died from Alzheimer's, he has been battling it over 10 years and has been in hospice for the last 3 years so I guess you can consider it a blessing. Such a terrible disease. We are going to go to the service on Friday morning.
Just work for me today and my daughter has dance tonight. The weather is supposed to be pretty mild and then colder this weekend.
Hope you all have a great day!
So sorry to hear. Sending prayers for you & your friends family! And I agree, Alzheimer's is such a terrible & sad disease.
Hope you have a great day SFM!!


MMC Christmas Angel 1971-2020 Alum
MMC Emeritus Member
Oct 17, 2005
I think she likes it Holiday...My photo is back up on the mantle piece lol...I more wall and i will feel like a load is off my shoulders...Have aMerry day ahead buddy-santa dance-
Glad to hear she's liking it!!! Now go get that wall done!!! :rolleyes:;)

If she doesnt like it Guys i think the divorce papers will be out lol-reindeer-
:eek: :p


MMC Goodwill Ambassador
MMC Lifer
MMC Donor
Christmas Crew
Santa's Elf
Jun 21, 2009
Deep in the Heart of Texas!
So nice to see you posting CAH!! And that is wonderful news!!!
My Christmas is all still up - part of the reason is we have been so busy with mom, BUT at the same time when she was in the hospital or nursing home, I would come home at night to see all my lights shining = very comforting! Still loving it!
Continued hugs & prayers being sent your way!!

I still have a little Christmas tree up and plan to keep that up for awhile. Praying for your mom!


Christmas Royalty
MMC Lifer
Dec 31, 2008
Good afternoon!
How are you guys?
I miss the pre-Christmas time so much
Cant wait to be in October again!!! ❤️



It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
MMC Lifer
Nov 7, 2008
Bellville, GA
Happy Rudolph Day!! Last night, we got some sad news from our friends. His father died from Alzheimer's, he has been battling it over 10 years and has been in hospice for the last 3 years so I guess you can consider it a blessing. Such a terrible disease. We are going to go to the service on Friday morning.
Just work for me today and my daughter has dance tonight. The weather is supposed to be pretty mild and then colder this weekend.
Hope you all have a great day!
Bless his heart, it really is an awful disease.


It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
MMC Lifer
Nov 7, 2008
Bellville, GA
Went to Walmart for cough drops and came home with a pressure cooker. Darn them and their displays.
I don't trust those things. I've blown up two of them trying to boil peanuts quickly. Now I do it the old-fashioned way; in an OPEN pot! LOL


Rudolph's Groomer
MMC Lifer
Christmas Talk Alum
Nov 1, 2012
Good Afternoon/Evening christmas buddies...Hope everyone is having a Merry day so far....Brushes are washed and put away and dinner is cooking...Tonite its Lasagna and garlic bread with a very large glass of Red wine MMMmmm...Enjoy the rest of your day ahead christmas friends-gift-


A Voice from the North
MMC Lifer
MMC Donor
Christmas Crew
Louann Jeffries Award
Santa's Elf
Kringle Radio DJ
Nov 6, 2008
New England, USA
I got a little dose of Rudolph Day magic this morning. On the way to work, I was behind someone whose car license plate was FROSTY. There has to be a story there, and I'll never know what it is! But it gave me a smile. (Well, he DID say he would be "back again someday"!)


MMC's Ambassador to the North Pole
MMC Lifer
MMC Donor
Christmas Crew
Louann Jeffries Award
Santa's Elf
Kringle Radio DJ
Apr 15, 2009
Greenfield, Indiana
Happy Rudolph Day!! Last night, we got some sad news from our friends. His father died from Alzheimer's, he has been battling it over 10 years and has been in hospice for the last 3 years so I guess you can consider it a blessing. Such a terrible disease. We are going to go to the service on Friday morning.
Just work for me today and my daughter has dance tonight. The weather is supposed to be pretty mild and then colder this weekend.
Hope you all have a great day!

Praying for your friends family.


MMC's Ambassador to the North Pole
MMC Lifer
MMC Donor
Christmas Crew
Louann Jeffries Award
Santa's Elf
Kringle Radio DJ
Apr 15, 2009
Greenfield, Indiana
Love it!!! Hope you love your new pressure cooker!! I got one for Christmas! Let me know when you find yummy things to make in it!!!! I tried a roast in mine. Thumbs down! Ended up putting it in the crock pot for the afternoon - the next day. Made Cheeseburger soup - which turned out well. I'm just not sure about it yet...I'm still kinda partial to my good ol crock pot! ;)

Well darn. I was hoping to do roasts in it. Lol!!
I'm going to look and see if I can find a few cookbooks on the library's website to try it out. They had a bunch of them left from black Friday and on clearance for $30, so if I don't like it, at least I'm not out much.

I don't trust those things. I've blown up two of them trying to boil peanuts quickly. Now I do it the old-fashioned way; in an OPEN pot! LOL

So you're saying if im goung to boil peanuts in it, do it outside? Lol!!! I wonder if my 2 year replacement plan covers that.


Executive Producer, Tracking Santa
MMC Lifer
Christmas Crew
Louann Jeffries Award
Santa's Elf
Christmas Talk Alum
Kringle Radio DJ
Nov 8, 2006
Fall Creek, Wisconsin
This story is long overdo but can't think of a better place to share this.

A few days before the Thanksgiving holiday I had a biopsy. The whole Thanksgiving holiday was overshadowed by fear and worry not knowing what the results were going to be. That Monday after Thanksgiving I get the diagnosis that I have breast cancer, not knowing anything else, no clue how far along, etc. I sunk to an all time low and could barely get out of bed for 2 days, not like me at all! I am usually an optimistic person. Also, through Thanksgiving and right after that I am all Christmas mode, well that wasn't going on with me either and people noticed. After staying sad for a couple of days my dad calls and ask if I want to go to Hobby Lobby. I asked what did he need there because he only goes when he needs supplies for models he builds. He said, "nothing, just thought we could go look around". Hmm... Odd, then I told my husband that I think he is trying to get me out to look at Christmas stuff to cheer me up! My dad is so sweet!!! I went with him and it sorta helped but I still worried. A few days later I finally go to the doctor to find out it was caught very early and the prognosis looks good. Hubby and I were so excited by the news that I text my daughter from the doctor's office and told her to call her grandparents (my mom and dad). My dad responded, "oh good, maybe she will get her Christmas spirit back"! Everyone knows how much I love Christmas and worry like crazy if it's not on my mind. :)

I was in a similar situation this season, Sheila. Although no where near as bad as cancer. I had to make the toughest decision I've ever had to make in my 43 years of life. I admitted my daughter into the hospital for attempted suicide. Granted it was a call for attention, but still hard to do. This was right before Thanksgiving and needless to say, I didn't eat for 3 days, I was so upset. I was in an all time low and everyone around me knew something was up because I wasn't in my normal Christmas mood. My wife, bless her heart, did all she could to get me to come around and eventually I did. I got better when my daughter came home, although still not completely back to my normal Christmas self. Then my brother, who lives in TN, did something that really upset me. I had started a tradition with my mother, who passed away a year and a half ago, in that I would get her at least 1 Christmas village house every year for Christmas, sometimes more. Well, when she died, I told my brother that he could have her cribbage board (which we would "fight" over when she was alive as to who would get it, it was all in fun) because I had other things that meant a lot to me, being her Christmas things, especially the village, which I got her about 80% of the village. I had taken what I had room for (the pieces that started it all, which is the main pieces I really wanted.) Well, on FB one day I see he had posted pictures of the village pieces, some I hadn't had room for but still would have liked. He didn't talk to me at all about taking them when he was up for my and my niece's weddings. So that put me in a downward spiral again. Yet again, God bless my wife, she did her best to cheer me up. She talked with my sister and between those two and the children, we stared increasing the village we have.

It sounds like you are blessed, like I am, with a spouse and at least one family member that love you so much that they delve into the Christmas Craziness we live in every day to cheer you up and bring at least a little of our Christmas normalcy back to us.

I also have to state that MMC and working on my hours for Tracking Santa also helped me not spiral down into the dark hole that was threatening to help me. I thank the Lord every day for this community and everyone in it. This is a very special community and I am thankful and humbled to be a part of it. I just hope I can give back as much as everyone here has given me.

Stay strong, Sheila, you've got this beat! I believe it with every fiber of my being.


A Voice from the North
MMC Lifer
MMC Donor
Christmas Crew
Louann Jeffries Award
Santa's Elf
Kringle Radio DJ
Nov 6, 2008
New England, USA
I was in a similar situation this season, Sheila. Although no where near as bad as cancer. I had to make the toughest decision I've ever had to make in my 43 years of life. I admitted my daughter into the hospital for attempted suicide. Granted it was a call for attention, but still hard to do. This was right before Thanksgiving and needless to say, I didn't eat for 3 days, I was so upset. I was in an all time low and everyone around me knew something was up because I wasn't in my normal Christmas mood. My wife, bless her heart, did all she could to get me to come around and eventually I did. I got better when my daughter came home, although still not completely back to my normal Christmas self. Then my brother, who lives in TN, did something that really upset me. I had started a tradition with my mother, who passed away a year and a half ago, in that I would get her at least 1 Christmas village house every year for Christmas, sometimes more. Well, when she died, I told my brother that he could have her cribbage board (which we would "fight" over when she was alive as to who would get it, it was all in fun) because I had other things that meant a lot to me, being her Christmas things, especially the village, which I got her about 80% of the village. I had taken what I had room for (the pieces that started it all, which is the main pieces I really wanted.) Well, on FB one day I see he had posted pictures of the village pieces, some I hadn't had room for but still would have liked. He didn't talk to me at all about taking them when he was up for my and my niece's weddings. So that put me in a downward spiral again. Yet again, God bless my wife, she did her best to cheer me up. She talked with my sister and between those two and the children, we stared increasing the village we have.

It sounds like you are blessed, like I am, with a spouse and at least one family member that love you so much that they delve into the Christmas Craziness we live in every day to cheer you up and bring at least a little of our Christmas normalcy back to us.

I also have to state that MMC and working on my hours for Tracking Santa also helped me not spiral down into the dark hole that was threatening to help me. I thank the Lord every day for this community and everyone in it. This is a very special community and I am thankful and humbled to be a part of it. I just hope I can give back as much as everyone here has given me.

Stay strong, Sheila, you've got this beat! I believe it with every fiber of my being.
@e_xander, I had no idea you had gone through so much during the holiday season. (I'm not on Facebook; MMC is my only online social network.) Bless your heart for getting through all that. I really hope that this coming Christmas season brings you enough joy to counterbalance all that worry and sorrow. You have one strong spirit.

@Christmas-A-Holic, I'm hoping that this coming Christmas season will give you plenty to celebrate, and all of us will be looking forward to celebrating with you!


MMC Christmas Angel 1971-2020 Alum
MMC Emeritus Member
Oct 17, 2005
I thought you would all appreciate the fact that we received a Christmas card in the mail today from my cousins in Pittsburgh!!!
After all - it IS Rudolph Day!!!! -reindeer-


MMC Christmas Angel 1971-2020 Alum
MMC Emeritus Member
Oct 17, 2005


MMC Christmas Angel 1971-2020 Alum
MMC Emeritus Member
Oct 17, 2005
I am finally done of the decorating...Get the champagne out everyone...I think i will drink the bottle right now lol...
WOO HOO!!! Relax & enjoy pal!

OMG you sound like my wife lol...Its done Holiday,Me thinks its time to have a wee dram to celebrate-santa dance-

:D :p Have at it! :D


MMC Christmas Angel 1971-2020 Alum
MMC Emeritus Member
Oct 17, 2005
Good afternoon!
How are you guys?
I miss the pre-Christmas time so much
Cant wait to be in October again!!! ❤️

Hey there Solice! Merry Rudolph Day!!!
Part of me still has that pre-Christmas feeling. Probably b/c our house is still all decked out!
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